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Shopping cart advertising insert

Рекламная вставка на ручку тележки покупательской      Рекламная вставка на ручку тележки покупательской

Advertising of products right in the store becomes more efficient. And it is not a surprise - as it requires the minimum time interval between the buyer's perception of and ad and his/her visual contact with an advertised product.

And what if an advertisment is right in front of the customer's sight all along while in a store?

Special advertising inserts in the handle of a shopping cart help to achieve the right adveftising effect.
Features series
Except for the 4 basic swivel wheels the trolley is equipped with an additional fifth wheel in the middle to provide a better mobility.
The spring loaded platfrom and the upper basket make stacking easy.

The trolley is equipped with casters using the rubberized non-markable material. 1 year casters warranty.

The trolley is equipped with noise-absorbing and shock-absorbing elements which helps to avoid noise even when moving the trolley in a bumpy area.

All the metal parts of a trolley are galvanized and coated with a colorless powder which provides the essential protection of metal from most of the externall effects, including mechanical damage, environmental influence, corrosion, grease and etc.

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